Declan Hurley

is a visual artist primarily working in theater.

He is a founding member of the performance group Leute wie die.

He works as a video artist, stage designer and dramaturg, creating theater and art installations, with English, German and German sign language (DGS).

He lives in Berlin.

Artist’s CV

Declan Hurley 

is a visual artist primarily working in theater.

He is a founding member of the performance group Leute wie die.

He works as a video artist, stage designer and dramaturg, creating theater and art installations, with English, German and German sign language (DGS).

He lives in Berlin.

Full Artist’s CV


Stimmen aus Tschernobyl

von Elzbieta Bednarska
Eine theatralisch-musikalische Auseinandersetzung mit Swetlana Alexijewitschs Buch "Tschernobyl. Eine Chronik der Zukunft"

Premiere: 13.01.17 

(Credit: Video Installation)